Must Read Classics

Must Read Classics 094: 소설 연을 쫓는 아이, 할레드 호세이니

지적허영 2023. 3. 5.

《고전: 소설 연을 쫓는 아이》 줄거리 요약

"The Kite Runner" is a novel by Khaled Hosseini that tells the story of Amir, a young boy from Afghanistan who experiences a difficult childhood and tries to find redemption for his past mistakes.                                                           

"연을 쫓는 아이"는 불우한 어린 시절을 보내고 과거의 실수에 대한 구원을 찾으려는 아프가니스탄 출신의 소년 아미르의 이야기를 담은 할레드 호세이니의 소설입니다.

연을 쫓는 아이 영화 포스트
출처: 위키디피아, 연을 쫓는 아이 포스터

The novel is set in Kabul, Afghanistan, and begins with a flashback to 1975, where we see Amir and his friend Hassan, the son of Amir's father's servant, playing with kites in the streets of Kabul. Amir is the son of a wealthy businessman, and Hassan is a Hazara, a minority group in Afghanistan. Amir and Hassan are very close, but Amir also harbors jealousy and resentment towards Hassan, partly due to the fact that Hassan is better at kite fighting than Amir.

아프가니스탄 카불을 배경으로 한 이 소설은 1975년으로 회상하며 아미르와 아미르의 아버지 하인의 아들인 친구 하산이 카불 거리에서 연을 가지고 노는 장면으로 시작됩니다. 아미르는 부유한 사업가의 아들이고 하산은 아프가니스탄의 소수 집단인 하자라족입니다. 아미르와 하산은 매우 친하지만 아미르는 하산이 아미르보다 연싸움을 더 잘한다는 사실 때문에 하산에 대한 질투와 원한을 품고 있습니다.


One day, during a kite flying tournament, Hassan runs off to retrieve a kite that Amir had cut down. While he is gone, he is cornered by a group of boys who sexually assault him. Amir witnesses the assault but does nothing to stop it, feeling too afraid and ashamed to intervene. This event has a profound impact on Amir and their relationship.

어느 날 연날리기 대회 도중 하산은 아미르로 인해 끊어진 연을 찾으러 달려갔고 거기서 하산은 한 무리의 남학생들에게 성폭행을 당합니다. 아미르는 성폭행을 목격하지만 너무 두렵고 부끄러워 개입하지 못하고 아무 조치도 취하지 않습니다. 이 사건은 아미르와 그들의 관계에 큰 영향을 미칩니다.


Amir's guilt and shame over what happened to Hassan drives him to distance himself from his friend and eventually causes him to betray Hassan in a way that has devastating consequences. Amir's father, who is disappointed in his son's lack of courage and masculinity, also plays a role in driving a wedge between the two boys.

아미르는 하산에게 일어난 일에 대한 죄책감과 수치심으로 인해 친구와 거리를 두게 되고, 결국 하산을 배신하게 되어 엄청난 결과를 초래합니다. 아들의 용기와 남성성 부족에 실망한 아미르의 아버지 역시 두 소년 사이에 쐐기를 박는 역할을 합니다.


The novel then jumps forward in time to 2001, when Amir is now living in the United States and has become a successful writer. He receives a call from an old family friend, Rahim Khan, who is dying and asks Amir to come back to Afghanistan. Rahim Khan knows about Amir's past and wants him to help rescue Hassan's son, Sohrab, who is now in danger under the rule of the Taliban.

소설은 아미르가 미국에 거주하며 성공한 작가가 된 2001년으로 시간을 거슬러 올라갑니다. 그는 죽어가는 오랜 가족같은 친구 라힘 칸으로부터 전화를 받고 아미르에게 아프가니스탄으로 돌아와 달라는 부탁을 받습니다. 라힘 칸은 아미르의 과거를 알고 있으며 현재 탈레반의 통치 아래 위험에 처한 하산의 아들 소랍을 구출하는 데 아미르가 도움을 주기를 원합니다.


Amir returns to Afghanistan and discovers that Hassan had been killed by the Taliban and that Sohrab has been taken as a slave by a local warlord. Amir sets out to rescue Sohrab, but the journey is not easy, and he must confront the demons of his past along the way.

아미르는 아프가니스탄으로 돌아와 하산이 탈레반에게 살해당했고 소랍이 지역 군벌의 노예로 잡혀갔다는 사실을 알게 됩니다. 아미르는 소랍을 구출하기 위해 출발하지만 여정은 쉽지 않고, 그 과정에서 과거의 악마와 맞서야 합니다.


In the end, Amir manages to rescue Sohrab and brings him back to the United States, where he and his wife, Soraya, adopt him. The novel ends with Amir flying a kite with Sohrab, symbolizing the redemption and healing that has taken place in his life.

결국 아미르는 소랍을 구출해 미국으로 데려와 아내 소라야와 함께 그를 입양합니다. 소설은 아미르가 소랍과 함께 연을 날리며 그의 인생에서 일어난 구원과 치유를 상징하는 것으로 끝납니다.


"The Kite Runner" is a powerful and moving story of friendship, betrayal, and redemption that explores the complex history and culture of Afghanistan. It is a story of how the past can haunt us, but how we can also find a way to make amends and move forward.

"연을 쫓는 아이"는 아프가니스탄의 복잡한 역사와 문화를 탐구하는 우정, 배신, 구원에 대한 강력하고 감동적인 이야기입니다. 과거가 우리를 어떻게 괴롭힐 수 있는지, 그러나 우리가 어떻게 보상하고 앞으로 나아갈 방법을 찾을 수 있는지에 대한 이야기입니다.

고전:소설 연을 쫓는 아이》에 나오는 멋진 문구/글귀/인용구

"For you, a thousand times over." This quote is spoken by Hassan to Amir during the kite-fighting tournament, and it represents the depth of Hassan's loyalty and love for Amir.
"너를 위해, 천 번도 더."
연싸움 대회에서 하산이 아미르에게 한 이 말은 아미르에 대한 하산의 충성심과 사랑의 깊이를 대변합니다.
"I ran because I was a coward. I was afraid of Assef and what he would do to me. I was afraid of getting hurt. That's what I told myself as I turned my back to the alley, to Hassan. That's what I made myself believe. I actually aspired to cowardice, because the alternative, the real reason I was running, was that Assef was right: Nothing was free in this world. Maybe Hassan was the price I had to pay, the lamb I had to slay, to win Baba." This quote is spoken by Amir as an adult, reflecting on his past and the choices he made. It represents his guilt and shame over betraying Hassan and his realization that his actions were driven by fear and selfishness.
"나는 겁쟁이라서 도망쳤어요. 아세프와 그가 저에게 무슨 짓을 할지 두려웠어요. 다칠까 봐 두려웠어요. 골목에서 하산에게 등을 돌리면서 제 자신에게 그렇게 말했어요. 그렇게 스스로에게 믿게 만들었어요. 제가 도망치는 진짜 이유는 아세프가 옳았기 때문에 비겁해지기를 바랐어요: 이 세상에 공짜는 없다고요. 어쩌면 하산은 바바를 이기기 위해 내가 치러야 했던 대가, 내가 죽여야 했던 양이었을지도 모릅니다."
이 인용문은 아미르가 성인이 된 후 자신의 과거와 자신이 내린 선택을 되돌아보며 한 말입니다. 하산을 배신한 것에 대한 죄책감과 수치심, 그리고 자신의 행동이 두려움과 이기심에서 비롯되었다는 것을 깨달은 아미르의 마음을 대변합니다.
"Children aren't coloring books. You don't get to fill them with your favorite colors." This quote is spoken by Rahim Khan to Amir, emphasizing the importance of letting children grow and develop on their own, rather than trying to shape them into what we want them to be.
"아이들은 색칠공부가 아닙니다. 좋아하는 색으로 채울 수 있는 게 아니죠."
이 말은 라힘 칸이 아미르에게 한 말로, 아이들을 우리가 원하는 모습으로 만들려고 하기보다는 스스로 성장하고 발전하도록 내버려 두는 것이 중요하다는 것을 강조합니다.
"That was a long time ago, but it's wrong what they say about the past, I've learned, about how you can bury it. Because the past claws its way out. Looking back now, I realize I have been peeking into that deserted alley for the last twenty-six years." This quote is spoken by Amir as an adult, reflecting on the power of the past to shape our lives and influence our actions.
"오래 전 일이지만 과거를 묻어두면 된다는 말은 잘못된 생각입니다. 과거는 계속 발톱을 세우니까요. 지금 돌이켜보면 지난 26년 동안 그 황량한 골목을 들여다보고 있었다는 것을 깨달았습니다."
아미르가 어른이 되어서 한 이 말은 우리의 삶을 형성하고 행동에 영향을 미치는 과거의 힘을 되돌아보게 합니다.
"There is only one sin. And that is theft... when you tell a lie, you steal someone's right to the truth." This quote is spoken by Baba to Amir, emphasizing the importance of honesty and integrity in life.
"죄는 단 하나뿐입니다. 그것은 바로 도둑질입니다... 거짓말을 하면 누군가의 진실에 대한 권리를 훔치는 것입니다."
이 인용문은 바바가 아미르에게 한 말로, 인생에서 정직과 성실성의 중요성을 강조합니다.


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