
Decoding Gerrymandering: Origins and Notable Cases

지적허영 2023. 11. 8.

Gerrymandering, a term that echoes through the corridors of American politics, is a subject of intense debate and scrutiny. This practice involves manipulating electoral boundaries to gain an unfair advantage for a particular political party.


In this blog post, we will unravel the concept of gerrymandering, explore its historical roots, and delve into some of the most notorious gerrymandering cases.




1. The Genesis of Gerrymandering

Gerrymandering traces its origins back to the early 19th century, and its name itself is a historical anecdote. In 1812, Massachusetts Governor Elbridge Gerry approved a new electoral map that favored his party. One district on the map was shaped in such a convoluted manner that it was likened to a salamander. A local newspaper coined the term "gerrymander," combining Gerry's name with the word salamander. The practice has since evolved and taken various forms, but its essence remains the same: manipulating electoral districts to gain a political advantage.


2. The Most Notorious Cases

a. North Carolina's 12th Congressional District (1990s)

This case gained notoriety due to the district's peculiar, snakelike shape that meandered through African American communities. The Supreme Court eventually ruled that it amounted to racial gerrymandering.


b. Pennsylvania's 2011 Redistricting

In 2011, Pennsylvania's congressional districts were redrawn to favor the Republican Party. This led to a legal battle, and in 2018, the Pennsylvania Supreme Court ordered a new, fair map, emphasizing the impact of gerrymandering on electoral outcomes.


c. Wisconsin's State Assembly Maps (2010)

The Wisconsin case drew national attention, with the Supreme Court addressing the issue of partisan gerrymandering. The Court did not issue a decisive ruling, leaving the matter largely unresolved.


d. Maryland's 6th Congressional District

In a reversal of roles, Maryland's 6th District was heavily gerrymandered in favor of Democrats. This case is an example of how both major parties have engaged in gerrymandering when in power.



Gerrymandering, an issue at the core of representative democracy, continues to shape electoral outcomes and spark legal battles. Its historical roots in the "Gerry-mander" of 1812 Massachusetts highlight a practice that persists in modern American politics. While several notable cases have drawn attention to this issue, the debate about how to address and prevent gerrymandering is far from over. As it remains a contentious topic, it is essential to understand the history and consequences of this practice in order to promote fair and representative elections.


문법 배우기

문장: "미국 정치의 복도를 울리는 용어인 게리맨더링은 격렬한 논쟁과 면밀한 조사의 대상입니다."


핵심 문법 포인트: 관계절

이 문장에서 핵심 문법 포인트는 "용어(term)"라는 명사에 대한 추가 정보를 제공하기 위해 관계절을 사용하는 것입니다.


1. **관계절 소개**: 영어에서 관계절은 문장에서 명사에 대한 자세한 정보를 추가하는 데 사용됩니다. 이 경우 관계절은 "that"으로 시작합니다.


2. **설명적 기능**: "미국 정치의 복도를 메아리치는 that echoes through the corridors of American politics"이라는 관계절은 명사 "용어"를 설명합니다. 용어에 대한 자세한 내용을 알려주며 용어가 하는 일을 명시합니다.


3. **쉼표 사용법**: 쉼표는 문장의 나머지 부분과 관련 절을 구분하는 데 사용됩니다. 이 경우 관계절 앞뒤의 쉼표는 해당 절의 정보가 본문에 필수적인 것은 아니지만 부가적인 정보임을 나타냅니다.


4. **주어-동사 접속사**: 관계절의 동사 "이다"는 주어 "기간"과 일치합니다. 이렇게 하면 동사가 주어의 수와 인칭에 따라 올바른 형태가 됩니다.


2023.11.08 - [상식] - 게리멘더링 뜻과 기원 그리고 주목할 만한 국내 해외 사례




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